Your copy of the State of EMEA Sales Development Survey

First ever EMEA specific survey on all things SDR

First Things First…

Never again will SDR leaders in EMEA have to guess about:

  • Their team’s quotas

  • Best practice on how to measure performance

  • What is the right compensation for their SDRs

  • What is the proper compensation for them as a leader

SDR Leaders of EMEA is happy to announce the FIRST ever State of EMEA Sales Development survey.

A massive thank you to Commsor, who has sponsored our survey.

You can get access at the link below!

Join us this Friday to talk with Dave about the Survey

Come and join Dave Wilkins, who will share some of the key takeaways from the State of EMEA Sales Development survey, and you will also have the chance to ask more regional-specific questions.

Friday 6th December @ 14:00 CET

Earn free merch 🎁

You can get free stuff for referring friends and colleagues to our newsletter 👇️

1 referral - Linkedin Shout out 🔊
5 referrals - Mastering Sales Development Stickers 🎉
10 referrals - Free Copy of Closing the Gap 📖
15 referrals - Limited Edition Mastering Sales Development mug 🍵


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Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I could help you

The new Community for European-based SDR leaders: SDR leaders of Europe

An ebook about SDR<> AE Alignment: Closing the Gap


or to participate.